When most individuals think about losing fat in their body, they think of it as something that is good. They think of individuals who have lost weight in order to improve their health and to enhance their appearance. Usually, weight loss is associated with something that is positive and makes a person look better.
There is one type of weight loss that is never viewed in a positive light, however. This is the loss of fat in the face as a person gets older. Unfortunately, as a person begins to age, they lose volume and fat in their face. And even though this does help them to look slimmer, it also makes them look older. It is what gives people a haggard and worn-out appearance as they age.
Static wrinkles are the result of losing facial volume. If you have never heard of static wrinkles, they are the type of wrinkle that you see on your face no matter what expression you are making. They are just there are no matter what you do. They come when you lose fat in your face and your skin begins to sag.
Of course, most individuals are going to experience static wrinkles naturally as their face loses volume as they get older. However, there are other things that can contribute to an individual having static wrinkles, including skin damage that comes from the sun.
Dermal fillers are often used by cosmetic professionals in order to treat static wrinkles. They are a great option for individuals who are losing volume in their face and who have fine lines and wrinkles around their eyes, on their cheeks, along their jawline and in other places. It is not uncommon for people to have a line that runs from their nose to their mouth as they get older. Dermal fillers can be used to give more volume to this area and help a person look more youthful.
These fillers usually contain ingredients that not only add volume to the skin, but that also provide other benefits. For example, some of the most common dermal fillers include hyaluronic acid. This is an acid that occurs in the body naturally. It holds onto moisture, giving an individual a young and hydrated appearance. When you are determining which dermal filler is right for you, take time to learn about the ingredients that are contained in each one. We can help you decide on the best dermal filler for your particular skin condition when you schedule a consultation.
A great thing about using dermal fillers in order to treat static wrinkles is that the procedure is very quick. And you are going to receive a twofold benefit. First, you’re going to notice more volume in your face right away. Second, you are going to notice that your skin continues to improve as the ingredients continue to work over time. You may notice that you look refreshed for at least a year after using dermal fillers.
Dermal fillers are a safe and effective way to treat static wrinkles. Talk to the team at Mariposa Aesthetics and Laser Center in Oklahoma City to see which type of filler is best for you. Contact us today to schedule your consultation.